Charting the Course for Military Healthcare Transformation: MHS Convenes Second Digital Health Summit

The second installment of the MHS Digital Health Summit, "Digital Frontiers: Shaping the Future Workforce of the Military Health System" brought together leading experts from across the nation to discuss the critical role of digital health technologies in the Military Health System.

Graphic by Sofia Echelmeyer, USU

July 26, 2024 by Hadiyah Brendel

The second Military Health System (MHS) Digital Health Summit convened July 10, bringing together key stakeholders from across the MHS to discuss the critical role of digital tools in transforming military medicine. The summit, “Digital Frontiers: Shaping the Future Workforce of the Military Health System,” focused on the ongoing development of the MHS Digital Health Transformation Strategy, a comprehensive roadmap for integrating cutting-edge digital tools and resources into the MHS. 

The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs [ASD(HA)], Uniformed Services University (USU) and the Defense Health Agency (DHA) co-hosted the summit, held at the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine headquarters in Bethesda, Md.

Dr. Lester Martínez-López, the ASD(HA), opened the event. Additional speakers included Dr. Steven Lieberman, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Veterans Affairs, Army Lt. Gen. (Dr.) Telita Crosland, DHA director, and USU President Dr. Jonathan Woodson. More than 150 personnel from various federal government agencies, academia, industry, and non-profits participated alongside MHS and VA leaders. 

Martínez-López emphasized the need for the MHS to "think and act as a system," reiterating the goal of attendees to identify gaps and develop plans for leader and workforce development in a digital environment.

Dr. Lester Martínez-López, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, kicked off the second annual Digital Health Summit, “Digital Frontiers: Shaping the Future Workforce of the Military Health System'' in Bethesda, Maryland. (Military Health System photo)
Dr. Lester Martínez-López, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, kicked off the
second annual Digital Health Summit, “Digital Frontiers: Shaping the Future Workforce of the
Military Health System'' in Bethesda, Maryland. (Military Health System photo)

Mr. Alexander “Sasha” Sicular, a keynote speaker at the summit, lauded the engaging discussions spanning “a wide range of topics, from new educational paradigms for enlisted soldiers to senior leadership, to the crucial aspects of data governance, standardization, and interoperability.” These elements are foundational for ensuring secure and seamless data exchange, a critical factor in enabling a truly integrated digital health ecosystem, according to Sicular. Participants also explored the potential of artificial intelligence (AI), debating the "where, when and how” to implement generative and non-generative AI within the MHS. 

As the MHS embraces digital transformation, a strong emphasis on leader and workforce development is integral. "One of the main themes we heard again and again is that success in digital health transformation requires leaders at all levels of the organization," echoed Crosland, highlighting the importance of collaboration in navigating the digital frontier.

The summit also addressed the responsible and effective acquisition of digital health technologies, recognizing that efficient and transparent acquisition processes are vital for procuring the right tools at the right time. Woodson furthur underscored that digital health transformation is not an option. He stressed the “need to reset the MHS health professions workforce into one that understands and can leverage digital and AI tools.” 

Building upon the momentum established at the inaugural Digital Health Summit held December 6-7th, 2023, the second summit served as a significant step forward in shaping the future of military healthcare. The first summit responded to Martínez-López's call for the MHS to develop a digital transformation strategy, a guiding light for navigating the challenges ahead. The strategy is projected to extend throughout the decade, accommodating emerging global security challenges.

The second MHS Digital Health Transformation Summit fostered collaboration and prioritized strategic planning, paving the way for a more efficient, effective, and patient-centered MHS. Participants expressed positive feedback and optimism for the third summit in the MHS Digital Health Transformation series.